Fig. 1 changes in aerobic plate count of control, UV-C treated and thermally pasteurized chokanan mango juice during storage at 4°C. r,s,t shown shelf life of juice. The acceptable maximum microbial load including aerobic bacteria in fruit juices are about 4 log CFU/ml. The aerobic plate counts (APC) in control (untreated juice) increased from 2.74 to 8.32 log CFU/ml after 5 week storage. The rate of microbial growth observed in control was higher than UV-C treated juice samples during storage. the shelf life of UV-C treated Chokanan mango juice stored at 4 ± 1◦C was extended for at least 4 weeks. Thermally pasteurized juice had almost no microorganism growth during 5 weeks storage. This is a clear indication that thermally pasteurized juice has a shelf life for more than 5 weeks.