2.1. stability data, as required by regulation II-1/22 ;
2.2. ballasting and deballasting rates and capacities;
2.3. maximum allowable load per unit surface area of the tank top plating;
2.4. maximum allowable load per hold;
2.5. general loading and unloading instructions with regard to the strength of the ship's structure
including any limitations on the most adverse operating conditions during loading, unloading,
ballasting operations and the voyage;
2.6. any special restrictions such as limitations on the most adverse operating conditions imposed
by the Administration or organization recognized by it, if applicable; and
2.7. where strength calculations are required, maximum permissible forces and moments on the
ship's hull during loading, unloading and the voyage.
2.1. stability data, as required by regulation II-1/22 ;
2.2. ballasting and deballasting rates and capacities;
2.3. maximum allowable load per unit surface area of the tank top plating;
2.4. maximum allowable load per hold;
2.5. general loading and unloading instructions with regard to the strength of the ship's structure
including any limitations on the most adverse operating conditions during loading, unloading,
ballasting operations and the voyage;
2.6. any special restrictions such as limitations on the most adverse operating conditions imposed
by the Administration or organization recognized by it, if applicable; and
2.7. where strength calculations are required, maximum permissible forces and moments on the
ship's hull during loading, unloading and the voyage.
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