The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Comprehension: An Analysis of the Effect of a Modified CIRC Instructional Approach and Cooperative Learning Partnerships on Reading Comprehension.
Schundler, Eloise Thomson
A study examined the effect of cooperative learning on the reading comprehension of 16 second-grade students. A modified Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) program was used with the experimental group over a 20-week period. A control group of 17 students was taught to read using traditional whole-group instruction with a subgroup for students needing extra help. Both groups took the SRA (Science Research Associates) Reading Achievement Test. Results indicated that there was no significant difference between the scores of the experimental and control groups, but the experimental group demonstrated a better than anticipated improvement in reading comprehension. (Three tables of data are included; 28 references and an appendix of comparative score data are attached.) (RS)