I have very strong interpersonal skills,problem solving skills,effective communication and initiative which i acquired during my schooling and working years.I have consistently achieved exemplary academic results throughout my time at the University and have developed a vast range of skills through part time employment while still an undergraduate and other extracurricular activities. I am currently operating a lab.scale anaerobic digester to produce methane from screenings, carrying out various chemical and biochemical tests with minimal supervision to analyse the bioreactor's efficiency.. I have had a chance to carry out team projects during my time as a trainee in a petrochemical company and in the University of Leeds and I believe my ability to work in a team, enthusiasm, initiative and willingness to learn more will be a great asset. During each module at the university I have worked individually and in a group of four to design various projects like a water treatment plant, landfill sites or waste disposal systems, etc. I was responsible for getting the necessary materials by constant reading and browsing the net for reliable information and also checking general progress of each member of the team which greatly contributed to the overall success of the projects thereby developing team spirit. Being able to be involved in a variety of projects is something that I consider quite interesting and challenging and I will apply all my skills to ensure I am a successful employee.
I speak and write english fluently as all my education has been in english.I did a profssional management course which enhanced my communication skills.I am computer literate as this is necessary in researching both at work and in surfing the internet for course related projects.