shows the B. thuringiensis growth, the bacterial stress tolerance and its PGPB characteristics under non-stress and stress (40% PEG) conditions. Osmotic stress decreased more bacterial growth than its PGPB abilities. In fact, the stress highly increased ACC deaminase production, slightly reduced IAA and it does not change phosphate solubilization. The stress tolerance parameters either did not change as PHB production or increased as proline or MDA. Regarding these in vitro results, the stress applied in the culture medium did not reduce the bacterial potential to improve plant growth. 3.3. Plant biomass production and nutrients uptake L. dentata inoculated plants have higher root and shoot biomass under the drought condition compared to non-inoculated plants. L. dentata showed significant growth difference according to the sin- gle mycorrhizal species (or mixture) inoculated and the particular interaction of each AM fungus with B. thuringiensis