There is a broad range of types of cooked
ham, which generally are classifi ed depending
on different characteristics. In general,
cooked hams can be classifi ed according to
the raw material used for the processing, the
composition of brine ingredients (like the
use of polyphosphates, starches, and carrageenan),
the technological yield (from 85%
to higher than 110%), and fi nally, the ham
presentation (boneless, bone - in, pieces,
whole legs, and so on) (Frentz 1982 ).
The manufacture of cooked ham has been
evolving in order to solve different problems
such as the increased proportion of exudative
meats or the reduction of the salt content and
processing time. The intensive selection for
leaner pigs in response to consumer demands
resulted in an increased proportion of exudative
pork meat. The protein of this meat
exhibited poor texture, lower water - holding
capacity, and poor cooked cured color
(Schilling et al. 2004 ). In order to improve the
functionality of these meats, several binders
have been used, including starch, carrageenan,
and soy proteins (Motzer et al. 1998 ).
In this regard, the appearance of modern
tumbled hams is essential in the industry.
Modern hams are characterized by a milder
fl avor than traditional hams, such as Wiltshire,
Bradenham, and York (Nute et al. 1987 ). The
modern hams contain less meat and more
There is a broad range of types of cookedham, which generally are classifi ed dependingon different characteristics. In general,cooked hams can be classifi ed according tothe raw material used for the processing, thecomposition of brine ingredients (like theuse of polyphosphates, starches, and carrageenan),the technological yield (from 85%to higher than 110%), and fi nally, the hampresentation (boneless, bone - in, pieces,whole legs, and so on) (Frentz 1982 ).The manufacture of cooked ham has beenevolving in order to solve different problemssuch as the increased proportion of exudativemeats or the reduction of the salt content andprocessing time. The intensive selection forleaner pigs in response to consumer demandsresulted in an increased proportion of exudativepork meat. The protein of this meatexhibited poor texture, lower water - holdingcapacity, and poor cooked cured color(Schilling et al. 2004 ). In order to improve thefunctionality of these meats, several bindershave been used, including starch, carrageenan,and soy proteins (Motzer et al. 1998 ).In this regard, the appearance of moderntumbled hams is essential in the industry.Modern hams are characterized by a milderfl avor than traditional hams, such as Wiltshire,Bradenham, and York (Nute et al. 1987 ). Themodern hams contain less meat and more
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