Dear Byrd-san,
Thank you for the reply.
However, the description of the current system is still not enough for us to understand.
As requested earlier, could you please share more details of each of the 3 applications- e-TOYOTACLUB, and smart G-BOOK?
The team needs to understand what is being moved to cloud. Hence we need more details of the contents of each of the applications.
As mentioned earlier, the cost shared is only a rough cost. It will totally depend on what you want to move to cloud.
For example: Depending on the number of hits of the website, our team can gauge whether the infrastructure required is enough or not.
You have shared an infra spec sheet for eTOYOTA club website earlier. If you have more detailed system related documents and detailed infra documents which specifies the size and count of each infra item that you would require on cloud, it would really help in making a proper quotation.
We would like to know similar details for and smart G-BOOK too.
The cost breakup has been shared for eTOYOTA club earlier. Please refer to the details mentioned in the ppt.
I am attaching it again for your reference.
Also attached is the email with description for TSC.
I shall reply to the rest of the questions in due course.
But request you to kindly try to get more detailed documents for every system so that we can proceed.
Thanks and regards,