• The birds should be put close to drinkers and feeders at transfer
• Maintain the flock on slatted area for a few days helps birds to get used to slats, find drinkers,feeders, perches and nests.
• Light intensity must be higher compared to rearing building
• Lighting management encourages the birds to move on to the slatted areas to rest and sleep. At dusk switch off the lights above litter or from the bottom tier of aviary and then switch off the lights above slats or gradually towards the top tiers around 30 minutes later.
• In the first week, birds that are found on litter just before dusk should be placed on to the slatted area
• At start of lay, floor eggs should be collected several times until the level becomes acceptable
• Automatic nests must be open at least 2 hours before lights are on. Nests should be closed once a day after all the eggs are laid (to be adapted according to the flocks laying behaviour). It helps to keep the nests clean and to remove all birds from the nest.
• Maintain continuous monitoring of the growth by measuring bodyweight
• Monitor feed and water intake
• Special attention must be given to birds having difficulty finding the drinking/feeding points. These birds could be found on top level of aviary system, on the scratching area or perches and they need to be moved close to drinkers and feeders