Abstract: Seven types of starch (waxy corn, normal corn, waxy rice, normal rice, waxy potato, normal potato, and tapioca) were selected to produce slowly digestible maltodextrins by enzymatic modification using a previously developed procedure. Branching enzyme (BE) alone and in combination with β-amylase (BA) were used to increase the amount of α-1,6 branching points, which are slowly hydrolyzed by mucosal α-glucosidases in the small intestine. The enzymatic treatments of all starches resulted in a reduction of the debranched linear chain length distribution and weight-average molecular weight. After α-amylolysis of the enzymatically synthesized-maltodextrins, the proportion of branched α-limit dextrins increased, and consequently a reduction in rate of glucose release by rat intestinal α-glucosidases in vitro. Among the samples, enzyme-modified waxy starches had a more pronounced effect on an increase in the slow digestion property than normal starches. These enzyme-modified maltodextrins show potential as novel functional foods by slowing digestion rate to attain extended glucose release. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.