The microwave assisted pyrolysis experiments were carried out in Samsung MW71B modified Multimode Microwave (MMW) oven rated with maximum microwave output power capacity of 800 W operated at 2.54 GHz. The experimental system consisted of modified MMW, cylindrical quartz glass reactor (0.1 m ID and 0.15 m height), N2 supply, glass condensers, water chiller (Lauda Alpha RA-8), pyrolysis oil collector and data acquisition system (Picolog data logger and acquisition system model TC-08) as illustrated in Fig. 1. A steel distributor sieve was facilitated at the reactor bottom to support the pyrolysis sample. The three-neck glass cover at the reactor top was used to insert probe K-type high temperature thermocouples (Coleparmer, model 0507979B-K) and N2 gas supply. N2 gas was supplied from the reactor top to facilitate the volatile removal from pyrolysis sample through single-neck glass provided at the reactor bottom. Similar arrangement of introducing N2 gas was found effective to reduce pyrolysis vapor deposition inside the reactor (Abubakar et al., 2013). The chilled water was circulated counter current wise in glass condensers to avoid thermal stresses. The pyrolysis experiments were carried out using 100 g of OPS. During pyrolysis sample preparation, OPS biomass was placed and distributed uniformly at the reactor bottom with successive CAC material, which then was covered by another OPS and CAC materials. N2 gas was supplied at 10 Liter per Minute (LPM) for the maximum duration of 15 min before experiment to ensure inert atmospheric conditions.