Although they had already believed in shamanism for thousands of years Koreans did not reject religions that were introduced from the outside. such a Confucianism and Buddhism. As was the case with these two religions, all other igions that also entered Korea were combined with shamanism to create spe cial types of religious beliefs. That is. the presence of shamanism in Korea when Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity were introduced caused the transfor- mation of these foreign religions. For example, some scholars point out that today's Christians and Buddhists in Korea are still greatly influenced by shamanistic factors. Cultural Civilian religions rooted in universal God idea Analysis Korean shamans believe that everything has a god. It is Korean traditional folk religious thinking that if a human, one of the numerous beings of the universe, can keep his life energy at a low level without going against the energy of the cosmos, then he can achieve the things he wants and be comfortable because everything will find its proper order. The Western scholas- tic term for this type of belief system is pantheism or animism. Therefore the object of belief is not one god, but multiple gods, contained in the sun, moon stars, mountains, fields, oceans, and even village water wells, rocks, trees, house girders and bathrooms. Korean shamanism is delivered through female shamans who have "received the gods and their followers beyond the natural boundaries of the religion Female shamans can act as mediums, or ritual performers, by being appointed through a special process, and through these performances they help channel the minds of the gods and humans with various religious techniques and rituals. Shamanistic rituals require folklore scriptures, shamanistic music, and leg ends, all of which reflect not only the shamanistic view of the cosmos, but also the emotions and dreams of Koreans. The female shaman channels the minds of the gods and connects them with human ideals in an effort to achieve the har monic state that is the will of the gods. In other words, the female shaman deliv s the minds of the gods to humans, and the minds of humans to the gods Koreans will often try to solve their family problems by consulting a shaman at least once in their lives. They may try an exorcism or visit a fortune teller