I am presently the fourth year student and will start working in next year. I am interested in clean energy. I have a plan towork in some industry about renewable energy so I think this activity will surely benefit part of my work aboutenvironmental friendly equipment in industry. Additionally, my final year project is about road traffic management in thearea that has heavy traffic jam. The traffic model can compute the pollution emission and user can control the modeleasily. The project will be proposed to the police headquarter to use as practical tool to solve one of the environmentalproblem in my city. If I can join this forum, I will have more understanding about environment and the good solution tosolve the problem and it may be adaptable with my project. Proposing this model, I expect less energy wasted on roadand people can use their valuable time to do other things instead of getting stuck in the traffic doing nothing. Also, I when Ijoin another activity about environment, I can forward my knowledge and experience to other teenagers.