The team wrote too much documentation, but this increased its comfort level with the new approach, so it wasn’t too bad. The team produced only the required AUP artifacts. The requirements model focused on use cases, business rules, sequence diagrams, UI specifications, technical requirements, and a glossary. The business analyst wrote and maintained these documents, keeping them up-to-date as the requirements evolved. The project manager maintained the software architecture document, which included formally transferring point form notes, whiteboard sketches, and arguably, models, in the computer-aided software engineering tool. The notes, basically an overview of the team’s decisions, and the whiteboard diagrams were quite agile. The testers carried out the testing with the Mercury testing and analysis tool. They inserted all the test cases (scenarios) and monitored testing progress using the tool. The testers also maintained the test model—the definition of the test cases—but invested too much effort in its development.