in our business activities. Every employee and individual acting on MSC’s behalf is responsible for
maintaining our reputation and for conducting company business honestly and professionally.
We consider that bribery and corruption have a detrimental impact on business by undermining good
governance and distorting free markets.
We benefit from conducting business in a transparent and ethical way, helping to ensure that there is
honest, open and fair competition in our industry. Where there is a level playing field, we can lead the
market through innovation and by delivering excellent services to our customers.
Transparent, fair conduct helps to foster stronger trust between MSC and our business partners and
customers. It is vital for our reputation and future growth.
We do not tolerate any form of bribery, whether direct or indirect, of staff or by staff, officers, agents
or consultants or any persons or companies acting for or on our behalf. The board and senior
management are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems throughout the
organisation to prevent, monitor and eliminate bribery.
Employees and others acting for or on behalf of MSC are strictly prohibited from making, soliciting or
receiving any bribes or unauthorised payments.
As part of our anti-bribery measures, we are committed to transparent, proportionate, reasonable and
bona fide hospitality and promotional expenditure.
A breach of our anti-bribery policy by an employee will be treated as grounds for disciplinary action,
which may result in a finding of gross misconduct and immediate dismissal.
We will not conduct business with service providers, agents or representatives that do not support
the organisation’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption objectives. We reserve the right to terminate our
contractual arrangements with any third parties acting for, or on behalf of, the organisation with
immediate effect, where there is evidence that they have committed acts of bribery.
The success of our anti-bribery measures depends on all employees, and those acting for us, playing
their part in helping to detect and eradicate corruption.
In response to growing public concerns about the quality of the management of health, safety, security and
environmental care, and in recognition of our company’s responsibilities to its employees and customers,
the shipping industry and the community we serve, this statement has been created to set forth the basic
principles we hold dear in conducting our business. The goals of this document are to promote organisationwide
integrity and to demonstrate that complying with our legal and ethical obligations is a natural