It framed his face nicely highlighting delicate features: an adorable pixie nose, high cheek bones, and pouty bow lips. He brushed the glossy strands back with small, dainty hands and glanced over in my direction, smiling a cute crooked smile that lit up his face. It was his eyes that really caught my attention. Those eyes. Stunning bright green orbs that flashed emotions so deeply you could practically see his soul. I was enraptured by them. They glowed like they had fire behind them. He had a fresh bruise under his left eye, it stood out on his pale skin, contrasting perfectly, making his eyes shine brilliantly. He looked like a beautiful little porcelain doll, marr only by the contusion upon his cheek. But I wanted to see more bruises on him, and how blood would look on his fragile body. I wanted to shatter the little doll and put him back together one piece at a time until he was perfect for me in every way. I knew he would be mine...