Important sources of DON exposure are bread, crackers and
biscuits. In particular porridge used for baby food is a significant
DON source for the very young . The conditions
used for baking bread and other leavened products, such as cakes
and biscuits, vary in function of fermentation conditions, dough
additives, length and temperature of the baking process.
DON is reduced by 72e88% during the preparation of tortillas
from contaminated maize. In some cases it disappeared after baking,
but an isomer of unknown toxicity may persist .
During the steps from uncleaned durum wheat to cooked spaghetti,
a significant degradation of DON was reported. In particular the
average amount of DON resistancewas 77% in cleaned wheat, 37% in
semolina, 33% in spaghetti and 20% in cooked spaghetti in comparison
with uncleaned wheat . Raiola et al.
(2012a) studied the loss of DON contained in naturally contaminated
pasta. They reported a mean percentage of DON equal to 12%
in cooked pasta compared with the content in raw pasta.
Radiation over 50 kGy may destroy AFs in white rice . Rice naturally contaminated at 17 ng/g could be
decontaminated up to 82% by increasing the soaking time in the
process from four to 6 h . In addition, AFB1 may be
reduced by up to 92% during preparation of the Mexican drink atole
at 94 C for 10 min together with drying at 40 C for 48 h.