Accreditation of Nursing Education Programmes
The Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) regulates the standards for the education and preparation of nurses, midwives and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) to ensure that graduates are well prepared and competent. In addition to setting standards, the SNB accredits and monitors nursing and midwifery programmes conducted in Singapore.
The standards and criteria for accreditation are defined in the Standards for Nursing Education and Standards for Advanced Practice Nurse Education.
Application for Accreditation of Nursing/Midwifery Programmes
To apply for accreditation of nursing and midwifery programmes, please refer to Accreditation Process for details.
Please use the Application for Accreditation of Nursing Programmes form and refer to the Guidelines for Application of Accreditation of Academic Nursing Programme and Guidelines (for new programme) and/or Application of Re-accreditation of Academic Nursing Programme for the compilation of curriculum documents and submission to SNB.
In addition the following accreditation guidelines will apply:
For pre-enrolment nursing programme, please refer to Guidelines for curriculum accreditation for Pre-Enrolment Programme.
For pre-registration nursing programme, please refer to Guidelines for curriculum accreditation for Pre-Registration Programme.
For post-registration Bachelor of Nursing programme, please refer to Curriculum Requirements for Bachelor of Nursing (Post-registration).
An Accreditation Self-Study Report is available for applicant’s use and submission, it can be downloaded under “Forms”.
Monitoring of Accredited Programmes
For all accredited programmes, SNB will conduct regular site visits/audits of education institutions.
All educational institutions must submit an Annual Report which provides a summary of the programme status for the year.
Additionally, a Special Report is required when there are significant changes that may affect the continuing accreditation of the programme, such as changes in the lecturers, curriculum content and hours etc. It should be submitted at least 2 months prior to the date of implementation of these changes.