Wuwei 無為 is a Taoist concept that can be defined as "Actionless Action."
"The Donkey in Kueichow"
There are no donkeys in Kueichou. Once a man brought a donkey up the river on a cargo boat;
but on his arrival, he saw that it could not be used in the high mountains, and so he set it loose.
A tiger saw it and was terrified by the enormous beast, which he thought must be a god. He hid
in a wood to observe it. After a while he approached a little nearer, but the donkey pretended
not to notice anything. The next day the donkey brayed, and the tiger ran away in a terrible
fright, thinking that the donkey was going to bite him. He was still afraid when he went up and
looked at it again, but it did not seem to have many tricks. Gradually he became used to the
braying. He went nearer and nearer, now in front, and now behind, but did not yet touch it. Day
by day he became braver, until at last he gave it a push. At this the donkey could no longer
contain its anger and lashed out with its leg, much to the delight of the tiger, who now knew that
the donkey had no other means of defense. He leaped onto its back, tore open its neck, and ate
How can displaying power cause one to lose power?
2. How can actively doing nothing be a source of power?