1. Is there an abstract
Yes, it does
2. Does it provide a concise overview of the research
Yes, it does. They provide.
3. Does it identify the research problem
Yes, it does. They identify.
4. Does it outline the methods used, main findings and recommendations
No, it doesn’t. They don’t provide the methods used, main findings and recommendations.
The introduction
1. Is the problem clearly identified
Yes’ it does. They provide
2. Is a rationale given for the research
Yes’ it does. They provide
3. Is the literature up to date
Yes’ it does. They up to date
4. Is the literature relevant to the research
No, it doesn’t. They don’t relevant to the research
5. Dose the literature present a balanced view
Yes’ it does. They balanced
6. Does the literature identify a need for the research proposed
No’ it doesn’t. They don’t provide
7. Are there any gaps in the topics of the literature reviewed
No’ it doesn’t. They don’t topics of the literature