Training for this requires a serious amount of time, most of which you’re alone with your thoughts (no music allowed during the race, so you train without). Eight hours biking, five running, and two swimming, each week for seven months, is so mentally taxing, and your mind goes to some new places. I started reflecting a lot, and really began to understand the choices I’ve made and the impact they’ve had. I thought a lot about where I was in life, why I was there, and what I would have done differently along the way. I thought about what I wanted for my future, not just career-wise, but in order to be happy. And it’s not so much that my views changed from this experience, but I feel like I’ve gained a new level of clarity. I’m much more confident in my life goals, and can pursue them with pride and conviction.
I’m now ready to move on to the next phase of my life, and am very excited to do so.