A. antifreeze works to prevent ice from forming in the cooling system of a car.
B. an antimissile is a device designed to be used against missiles.
1. antislavery laws are laws ____________.
a. for slavery
b. against slavery
C. a semicircle is part of a circle.
D. in semidarkness you can't see as much as in full daylight.
2. a semiskilled worker is _____________.
a. very skilled
b. not skilled
c. partly skilled
E. to redecorate your room is to decorate it over again.
F. to rewrite an assignmenr is to do it once more.
3. to reappoint an assistant is to ________________.
a. appoint the assistant for the first time
b. appoint the assistant for another time
c. get rid of the assistant
G. a coeducational school is one where boys and girls are educated together.
H. a copilot works with the pilt to fly a plane.
4. the coauthor of a book writes the book ________________.
a. instead of the author
b. separated from the author
c. with another author
I. a preated oven is hot before you put the food in.
J. a premedical student is one who is not yet a student in medical school.
5. a prearranged meeting is _________________.
a. just accidental
b. arranged ahead of time
c. one that you missed
K. to decode a message is to translate it out of secret writing into ordinary language.
L. to defrost a refrigerator is to remove the ice by letting it melt.
6. to deactivate a bomb is to ________________.
a. explode it too soon
b. add more explosive to it
c. fix it so it won't explode
M. jigsaw puzzles are often made to interlock so the pieces will fit together without moving
N. to intermix ingredients is to blend them into one mixture.
7. passageways which interconnect ____________________.
a. all join together
b. go off in different directions
c. are closed off from one another
O. the caroon character superman could perform deeds greater than normal human beings.
P. the superstrue of a ship includes all those parts above the main deck.
8. to supercharge an engine would be to _______________.
a. design one that cannot be built
b. force it beyound its ordinary capacity
c. buy it for less credit than usual
Q. extracurricular activities are those outside the regular curriculum, or course of study.
R. an extravehicular spacewalk is one which is outside the space vehicle.
9. something that is extraordinary is _____________ the ordinary.
a. less than
b. in addition to
c. outside
S. a subdivision is a smaller part within a division.
T. a play with subplots has less important plots in it
10. subculture of a society are econdary cultural groups __________________ a main culture.
a. outside
b. ranked above
c. within
U. to overburden a truck is to load it with too great a burden.
v. a grocer who overcharged you charged you too much.
11. a student who is over active is ____________________active.
a. too
b. not
c. slightly
w. if you greet a friend with outstretched arms, you greet her with your arms stretched out.
X. an outflow from a water pipe is that which flows out of the ppe.
12. to do something outstanding is to do something that stands ____________ from other things.
a. out
b. at a distance
c. in a low position