Staying Vigilant at the Community Level
It remains questionable that Singapore’s draconian health control measures may
not be applicable or replicable in other countries, for example setting a camera to
monitor the public’s compliance during home quarantine. The evidence suggests
that draconian government measures, such as quarantine and travel restrictions, are
less effective than voluntary measures (such as good personal hygiene and
voluntarily wearing of respiratory masks), especially over the long term (Bruine, et
al. 2007). However, reminding the public to maintain a high level of vigilance and
advocate individual social responsibility can be a persuasion tactic by an authority to
influence and pressure, but not to force individuals or groups into complicity with a
policy (Aledort, et al. 2007; Aimone, 2010; Barrett, 2007). Therefore, promoting
social responsibility is crucial in terms of slowing the pace of infection through good
personal hygiene and respiratory etiquette in all settings.