Erwin is the closest to him. You can send the letter to this address:
I verified the above address with Stoff's itemized receipts, Schedule A contributions to the last US presidential election. Another address is this:XXXXX Los Angeles, CA. 90024. Not sure what that last address is, but he used it as well for his campaign contributions. Could be his residence, but that is not verified at all.
In my opinion, this is your best way to go - as Stoff manages Keanu's business.
Watch the gifts. Packages that are too big, will often be sidelined. Additionally, you may have to send more than one letter. It really takes patience, unless you truly know someone on the inside. Don't give up hope.
Lastly, you are correct. These are people too, however because of their fame, well-known actors are continually bombarded with all sorts of requests, invitations, gifts, you name it. It really is crazy. That's the entertainment business.
Thanks for your question.