Myosin heavy chain (MHC) fromthe IAF-staining (thiol groups)was
quantified after straight line background subtraction. To compensate for
varying staining intensities in replicated gels (n = 3), the intensity of
the MHC band was calculated relative to the total intensity of all
MHC bands on the gel (five bands, one from each sample) to yield
[MHCIAF].MHC fromthe reduced and non-reduced Sypro Ruby staining
(protein staining) was quantified after straight line background
subtraction to yield [MHCRed] and [MHCNR]. The thiol to MHC ratio
was calculated as the ratio [MHCIAF] / [MHCNR]. Phoretix 1D software,
version 2003.02 was used for the graphical presentation of lane
profiles. Data are presented as mean ± sd of three independent
replicates (n= 3).