Availability of the component
• Different manufacturers (especially Android phone)
include devices that others do not
• Situational availability
• For example, for a device to get a GPS signal, the
device has to have the capability to get the satellite
signal required for operation
• If the user is indoors, the GPS may not work
Hardware Components
• Time delays
• Access a hardware component through Application
Program Interface (API).
• The component may take some time to turn on and respond
with the information
• If the delay is significant, it may impact the user experience
• Solution:- Use a separate execution thread to do the
initialization, thus allowing the user to interact with other
parts of your app
Hardware Components
• Accuracy
• The accuracy of the component can differ among
• Give the user options if the required level of accuracy is
not available
• Accuracy often takes time
• For example, to find the location of the device within a
few hundred meters is often very quick compared to a
few feet which often takes much more time