Results and Discussion to control (Table-3). With increase in dose rate, oregano oil decreased
Chemical composition: Chemical compositions of methane production significantly (P<0.01); whereas,
concentrate mixture and wheat straw are given in rosemary oil reduced it significantly (P<0.01) at
Table-1. The DM, OM, CP, EE, CF, NFE and total ash 30ppm dose rate, but no further decrease was found at
contents are similar to the findings of earlier workers higher doses (Table-5).Themain compounds of oregano
[26, 27]. The NDF and ADF contents of the substrates oil (Origanum vulgare) are carvacrol, thymol, á-and â-
are close to the values reported by other worker [27]. pinene, â-bisabolene, cineol, p-cimene, borenol,
Effect of essential oils on gas and methane linalool, linalyl acetate, ã and á-terpinene, myrcene,
production: Gas production remains unaffected in diopenten, and â-caryophyllene whereas cinnamon
cinnamon oil supplemented groups (Table-2), whereas contains cinnamaldehyde [7, 28, 29]. Among those,
it reduced significantly (P<0.05) in 600 ppm garlic and Carvacrolis is the major active compounds of oregano
oregano oil treated groups (Table-3 and 4). In case of oil (average of 660 mg/g) [29]. Decrease in gas and
rosemary oil supplementation, gas production was methane production by higher dose level of oregano oil
found similar in control and treated groups (Table-2 in the present study might be due to depressing effect
and Table-5). Methane production per unit of DM and on microbial fermentation [30]. Previous reports [4, 5]
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