The quantitative data (Table 4) indicated that the major flavonoid isoorientin represented 19% of the flavonoids in the passion fruit pulp. The total flavonoid content was calculated considering all the peaks with the characteristic flavonoid UV spectra [13], and the results were expressed as mg L−1 of rutin (Table 4). The total flavonoid content of the passion fruit pulp (∼0.16 mg flavonoid mL−1 of pulp) was quite significant in comparison with other beverages that are sources of
flavonoids, such as orange juice (∼0.20 mg flavonoids mL−1 [16]) and sugarcane juice (∼0.24 mg total flavonoids mL−1 juice (expressed as diosmin)), corresponding to ∼0.40 mmol L−1 diosmin [17]. These data, however, should be considered only as indicative of the potential of the passion fruit pulp as a natural source of flavonoids and more extensive studies are required, including the analysis of several harvests from different geographical origins.The quantitative data (Table 4) indicated that the major flavonoid isoorientin represented 19% of the flavonoids in the passion fruit pulp. The total flavonoid content was calculated considering all the peaks with the characteristic flavonoid UV spectra [13], and the results were expressed as mg L−1 of rutin (Table 4). The total flavonoid content of the passion fruit pulp (∼0.16 mg flavonoid mL−1 of pulp) was quite significant in comparison with other beverages that are sources of flavonoids, such as orange juice (∼0.20 mg flavonoids mL−1 [16]) and sugarcane juice (∼0.24 mg total flavonoids mL−1 juice (expressed as
diosmin)), corresponding to ∼0.40 mmol L−1 diosmin [17]. These data, however, should be considered only as indicative of the potential of the passion fruit pulp as a natural source of flavonoids and more extensive studies are required, including the analysis of several harvests from different geographical origins.