With the current features, the game does not do enough to allow a player to focus on acquiring a specific end-game (jade) skill.
To contrast with other skills, I have the ability to get at least 5 fragments of any specific school skill every day (but not ALL of them). I also have the ability to get at least 10 frags of any silver Jianghu skills every day (but not ALL of them). I also have a limited ability to attempt to get specific gold skill sets by choosing the specific instance I want to run (e.g. run twilight village if I want cruel blade)...
When it comes to the Jade skills, I have to submit to pure randomness, without any way to focus on getting a specific skill. Because of this, I am acquiring ALL the jade skills at the same rate. So this means I will have enough fragments for Hidden Prowess, Purple Death, and Magnanimity all within days of each other, 4ish months down the road (and Five Mental Elements). The same goes for Dragon Claw and Taichi Fist 9 months from now.
This is a problem that doesn't exist in the Chinese version because of the ability to buy/sell fragments from other players. Removing trading in the global version 'broke' the game in a similar way that adding equipment shards 'broke' the game. It is causing an unintended consequence that won't be apparent for some time (unlike the shard change that is filling up peoples inventories daily).
The consequence that I'm a referring to is that jade level skills will not be worth using since they take too long to acquire and to rank up. It might seem crazy to hear that now but compare school/silver/gold skills at the same rank and you will see the power is balanced by rank. My R7 Yanyang Blade does much more damage than my R5 Cruel Blade (and gives 30k more power). Look at how the top PVPers are using high ranked school skills (Vipers sting) and beating lower ranked Snow Sword and Cruel Blade. When people are finally able to acquire R6 Dragon Claw, they will be fighting vs R9+ skills which will do much more damage.
The point of this post is to let the devs know about this situation and to ask for a way to focus on earning specific skills rather than all at the same rate. I would gladly trade my Purple Death and Magnanimity fragments for Hidden Prowess at a loss. This will give me the skill I want a little faster and differentiate myself from other players. This will also prevent these skills from being irrelevant before they are