Xylitol (E967)
Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar used as a substitute for sucrose (being of similar sweetness). It can be produced form Birch trees and is also found in plums, strawberries, raspberries and rowan berries.
Research has shown that xylitol dose not cause caries and that if can actually be used in its prevention. A study Finland concluded that regular maternal use of the plant extract in the form of chewing gum resulted in a reduction in mutans streptococci colonization in 2-year-old children's teeth compared with teeth in children whose mothers received fluoride or chlorhexidine vanish treatment. In 5-year-old children, dentinal caries in the xylitol group was reduced by about 70% compared with that in the fluoride or chlorhexidine group.
However, xylitol can have a laxative effect, so care should be taken when advising its regular use.