the U-values measured were similar to the ones predicted
(Umeasured = 0.230 ± 0.007W/m2 K; Upredicted = 0.228W/m2 K), and
that small thermal bridges were detected as predicted by simulation.
Also PRM module (final solution) was optimised regarding the
reduction of thermal bridges that resulted on a one-metre length
by one-metre height panel with a thickness of 18.8 cm, a weight of
13 kg/m2 and a U-value of 0.208W/m2 K. Fig. 13 shows the optimised
PRM solution.
The application of an integrated retrofit strategy to a singlefamily
and to a multi-family building, based on the PRM system,
resulted in:
- A retrofitted single-family building with 83% reduction of the
overall energyneeds, although witha smallincrease ofthe cooling
needs. This fact can be explained due to the high level of envelope
insulation in combination with the low infiltration rate and high
building thermal inertia that results on a longer period necessary
to cool the building during the night time (or in periods when the
exterior temperature is under 25 ◦C) and thus increasing the cooling
needs. Since these cooling needs are not significant,the global
building energy balance after the retrofit still result on a building
that has almost no energy needs. The amortization period of
these measures was 6 years;
- A retrofitted multi-family building with 76% reduction of the
overall energy needs. The amortization period of this situation
was 4.6 years.