Hurricanes are areas of low air pressure that form over oceans in tropical climate regions.
Hurricanes are large storms with rotating winds. They form over the warm waters of the ocean when there are large pressure and temperature differences between the warm water and the clouds. The clouds pull the moisture and the air near the surface of the water up, toward the clouds, which creates a column of fast-moving air.
Sometimes the air in one place is warmer than the air in another place near it. Warm air is thinner and lighter than cool air. When heavier cool air touches warm air, it presses against it and pushes. Some of the warm air moves sideways, and some of it moves up. As the warm air keeps moving to the side and up and out of the way, the cool air flows in to take its place. This movement of the air is the wind. Most of the air all over the surface of the earth is moving, a little or a lot, most of the time.