It is also interesting to note that the electrical conductivity of the composites with CNT random orientation exhibited more or less the same variation with CNT content as the conductivity measured in the perpendicular or transverse direction of the aligned composites, and so was the percolation threshold. The similar percolation threshold between the two composites with different degrees of orientation means that significant portion of CNTs in the aligned composites took part in the formation of percolation in the transverse direction. Indeed, this hypothesis was verified by the transverse movement of CNTs toward their neighbors to form interconnected networks across the transverse direction, Fig. 6b. This observation appears to be associated with the low stability of oriented CNTs in molten epoxy at an elevated temperature, especially at CNT contents above their percolation [9]. The increasing trend of transverse interconnection by the CNTs in the aligned composites may also be responsible for the diminishing difference in absolute conductive values measured in the directions parallel and transverse to CNT alignment.