There are several factors contributing to the spread of CSF, for
example swill feeding and feeding of pigs with pig products from
infected regions (Kim et al., 2008). In South-East Europe the farming
practice of keeping semi-feral pigs constitutes another risk for spread
of CSF. Control of the disease in wild boars and feral pigs is more
difficult than in domestic pigs. The continued circulation of CSFV
in wild boar in some regions poses an important risk for new outbreaks
in domestic pigs. Eradication by hunting only is difficult and
may even result in an increased disease incidence in wild boar
(Laddomada, 2000). To limit the scale of the outbreaks, lift trade
restrictions earlier and to limit the economical losses, vaccination
of wild boars and domestic pigs can be applied. The EU has adopted
a plan for emergency vaccination to be applied if outbreaks occur.
This plan is available at