• Cut out the cereal box to create the cover for your notebook. I cut a 5.5" x 8" piece for mine, but you can make it as small or large as you wish.
• Fold it in half so that the blank side is facing out.
• Run embroidery floss through the needle and sew on the button to the front of the notebook. Leave about 20" of the thread hanging. This will be used to wrap around the notebook to close.
• To cover the images of the cereal box, apply glue or tape to the inside of the notebook (make sure you get the corners!) and place a piece of paper on top to attach. Cut around the edges to remove any excess paper.
• Grab your paper for the inside pages and trim them down so they are slightly smaller than the notebook (about 1/4" shorter on all sides).
• With the needle and embroidery floss, stitch the paper to the notebook down the spine.
• Apply glue or tape to your decorative paper and attach it to the spine of the notebook.
• Optional: For a more finished look, cut rounded corners on all four edges of the notebook.