About his own role and about his book Naude states that "it is
certain that of the almost infinite number of men who have taken
pen in hand there has not yet been one, to my knowledge, whose
advice a man might follow concerning the choice of books, the means
of procuring them, and the arranging of them in the most useful and
attractive manner for a handsome and stately library." 5
To this day, librarians agree with the author: his is the first system,
atic, comprehensive treatise on librarianship. The famous Philobiblon,
written in the fourteenth century by Richard de Bury (1287-1345),
and other earlier works on book collecting focus on books-not on
libraries, their organization, their users, and their administration.
Several of the nine chapters begin with "Now, Monseigneur" and
then use the first person to explain carefully, clearly, and in practical
terms what has to be done, and why. This direct discourse does make
the Advis lively and enjoyable reading, and prevents it from becom,
ing too theoretical, the weakness of many handbooks.