“Seunghyun-ah” the older said softly, jiggling his shoulder slightly t การแปล - “Seunghyun-ah” the older said softly, jiggling his shoulder slightly t จีน วิธีการพูด

“Seunghyun-ah” the older said softl

“Seunghyun-ah” the older said softly, jiggling his shoulder slightly to try and rouse the younger. But he was in too deep a sleep for that to work. He must be really tired then, the older thought to himself. He shifted slightly, making sure not to let the younger’s head drop off him, and grasped his thigh tightly. “Seunghyun-ah, wake up” he said more loudly and the younger made an almost-inaudible noise of disapproval. He was too comfortable to get up and too tired to be awake. The older simply chuckled and squeezed his dongsaeng’s thigh again, “Okay, we can just stay in and rest then.” The younger shook his head still resting on his hyung’s shoulder with eyes shut and murmured, “No let’s go out. But later.” Dongwook laughed and gave in, knowing rest would be good for the younger and it was still early enough that it wouldn’t hurt to wait a while longer before leaving.

Right as the younger was slipping off into dreamland once again, he felt his hyung shift and say, “At least let me move a bit, I’m tired of sitting like this.” The younger nodded and moved off slightly as his hyung shifted and dropped his head back down as soon as the older was settled comfortably, only to find it had now landed on his chest. The older instinctively took his hand off from the back of the couch and brushed off the younger’s hair from his forehead to let him know it was okay to rest on him, to which he responded with a gentle snore. The older smiled as he looked down and observed the profile of the head resting on his chest, admiring the strong jaw line and brows of the sleeping man. He didn’t even realize his slender fingers ever so lightly tracing along the jaw line of the younger, skin like satin underneath his own smooth fingertips, until the face shifted slightly on his chest and a small sigh escaped the younger’s lips. He quickly pulled his hand away, not wanting to wake him, smile still in place. He had so much affection for his dongsaeng.

Finally, after about another hour-and-a-half, he decided it was time to wake him. Placing his hand under that wonderfully defined jaw of his, he slightly lifted up the younger’s head and said, “Seunghyun-ah, time to get up now.” Seunghyun groggily opened his eyes and found himself looking up into his hyung’s face whose hand was still cradling his jaw. They simply looked into each other’s eyes for a few, quiet seconds until the older swiftly brushed the younger’s jaw as he made to remove his hand. Seunghyun reveled in the feeling of his hyung’s smooth fingers on his skin for a second before finally moving off him and sitting up straight. “Aish, I need to fix my hair now.” He pushed himself off the couch and walked to his bedroom as his hyung turned off the television and followed him in. The older stood next to him and checked his own appearance in the mirror, straightening out his clothes and fixing a few stray hairs. When he was done, he beamed over at the younger and said, “I’m ready when you are. Don’t fuss so much, you’ll look handsome regardless.”

“Aigoo you always say things like that,” responded the younger who tried to will the heat away from his face. “Well it’s because it’s true,” he cooed and he playfully pinched his cheek.


Dongwook burst into laughter at the younger’s reaction, who could no longer fight off the flush of his face, something that happened every time he pinched his cheeks. The younger smiled too and Dongwook beamed once again, always loving seeing those beautiful cheekbones jutting out especially when they were tinted pink. Finally, Seunghyun was ready to go and he turned to face his hyung. “Should I wear a necklace?” Dongwook turned to face the younger, who was closer to him than he expected, and took in his appearance. He carefully ran the collar of the younger’s blazer between his fingers and shook his head. “I don’t think you need it.” He placed both hands on his shoulders and looked him square in the eyes. “You do look very handsome, you know.” Seunghyun rolled his eyes but still smiled.

“You always say that.”

“Well, I mean it.” His tone was serious. It was a bit unnerving to Seunghyun, honestly.

“Well….thank you. It means a lot coming from a hyung who is very handsome himself.”

“Aigoo, you’re just saying that.”

“I’m not. You know you’re handsome.”

Dongwook smiled playfully and said, “You’re right. I am.” The two laughed and the older’s head dipped to rest on his hand, which was still atop the younger’s shoulder, as he laughed. After the laughter subsided, the older slowly brought up his head and the two felt another small jolt run through them as their cheeks came so close they almost brushed. This caused Dongwook to stop moving, leaving their cheeks side-to-side and creating a feel of intimacy in the atmosphere.

Seunghyun gulped and the older noticed which caused him to finally pull his head back slightly, only to find himself face-to-face with the younger in very close proximity. Seunghyun’s breath caught in his throat, as did Dongwook’s, and they both looked at each other. There were a few seconds of charged silence before Seunghyun cleared his throat, “Shall we call the company car then?” The older nodded slowly, still not breaking eye contact or moving away. Neither did Seunghyun.

A/N: Hello! My first author's note. (^-^) I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this and subscribed/commented. I'm still new to fanfiction so it's nice to get feedback! I'll try to update more regulary than I have been. Thanks and I hope you enjoy reading this!
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ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 1: [สำเนา]
"Seunghyun-啊"老轻声说,晃动他的肩膀稍试着唤醒年轻。但他是在为那工作太深睡眠。他一定是真的累了,对自己的旧思想。他转移略,确保不让年轻的落差离开他,并且紧紧抓住他的大腿。Seunghyun-啊,醒来他更大声地说: 和年轻作出反对几乎听不到噪音。他是太舒服了,起床了,太累了,要清醒。老只是咯咯地笑着挤他 dongsaeng 大腿再一次,"好吧,我们可以只是停留在然后休息。年轻的摇了摇头仍然靠在他的哥哥肩上的眼睛闭上,喃喃地说,"不让我们出去。但后来"。Dongwook 笑着给了,知道休息就会好的因为年轻和它是还早不会伤害不够,它要等待一段时间才离开。正好也年轻了滑落进梦境再一次,他觉得他亨转变和说,"至少让我动了一下,我已经厌倦了这样坐。年轻的点点头,微微他亨转移,低下了头背下来,尽快老舒服,却发现它现在降落在他的胸口上。老本能地从沙发后面起飞他的手,拂去年轻的头发从他的额头,让他知道这是好休息在他身上,他以温柔的鼾声作出响应。老笑了笑,他低头,观察的概况,头躺在他的胸口,欣赏着睡觉的人的眉毛和强壮的下颚线。他甚至没有意识到他纤细的手指沿着下颚线的年轻过这样轻率地跟踪,皮肤像缎子下面自己光滑的指尖,直到脸上的些微地改变他的胸膛和小一口气逃过年轻的嘴唇。他迅速拉他的手,不想弄醒他,微笑还在的地方。他对他的 dongsaeng 有这么多的感情。最后后, 大约另一--一-半小时,他决定是时候叫醒他。把他的手在那之下奇妙定义他的下巴,他稍微抬起的年龄越小的头,说,"Seunghyun 啊,时间,现在该起床了。Seunghyun 摸黑睁开眼睛,发现自己抬头望着他的哥哥脸谁的手仍然捧着他的下巴。他们只被看着对方的眼睛对于少数,安静秒直到老迅速刷年轻的下巴随着他作出删除他的手。Seunghyun 陶醉于他亨光滑的手指在他的皮肤前最后离开了他,坐直了身子一分一秒的感觉。"什,我需要现在整理一下头发。他把自己推开,从沙发上,走到他的卧室里他亨关掉电视,跟在他后面。老站在他旁边和检查自己在镜子,理顺他的衣服和固定几个流浪毛的外观。当他把话说完他在微笑着看着年轻,说:"我已经准备好时,你。不要大惊小怪这么多,你无论如何会看起来很帅。"你总是说事情那样,等待"回应年轻试图将热量从他的脸。"好吧它是因为它是真实的"他低声和他开玩笑地捏他的脸颊。"呀!"Dongwook 在年轻的反应,可以不再击退的脸上,事情发生了每次他捏他的双颊潮红哄堂大笑。弟弟也笑了笑,Dongwook 微笑再一次,总是爱看那些美丽的颧骨,尤其是当他们浅的粉红中伸出。最后,Seunghyun 准备去,他转身面对他的哥哥。"我应该穿一条项链吗?"Dongwook 转身面对的年龄越小,谁是接近他,比他预期,并参加了他的外表。他小心他的手指之间跑年轻的西装外套的衣领,摇了摇头。"我不认为你需要它"。他把双手放在他的肩膀,看着他眼中的广场。"你看起来很帅,你知道。Seunghyun 转了转眼珠,但还是笑了。"你总是说"。"好吧,我的意思是它"。他的语气很严肃。老实说是有点忐忑不安,Seunghyun。"好吧谢谢你。这意味着很多来自馨人本人是很帅。"等待,你才会那么说"。"我不是。你知道你很帅。Dongwook 调皮地笑着说,"你说得对。我就是。两人大笑不止,年长的头蘸休息在他的手,这是仍然顶弟弟的肩上,他笑了起来。笑声平息后,老慢慢长大的他的头,两人觉得另小颠簸运行通过他们,因为他们的脸颊靠近他们几乎擦着。这造成 Dongwook 停止移动,离开他们的脸颊一边到另一边和在大气中创造一种亲密的感觉。Seunghyun 一饮而尽,老发现导致他,最后他的头轻微回拉,才发现自己面对面用年轻在很近的地方。Seunghyun 的气息,引起了他的喉咙,作为做 Dongwook,和他们俩互相看着对方。有几秒钟的带电沉默之前 Seunghyun 清了清嗓子,"我们能叫公司的车然后呢?"老点了点头缓慢,仍未打破目光接触或搬离。也没有 Seunghyun。 A / n: 你好!我第一作者注。(^-^)我只被想感谢每一个人有读这篇文章和订阅评论说。我是同人小说还是新的所以很高兴得到的反馈!我会试着比我一直更好好的更新。谢谢,我希望你喜欢读这篇文章!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 2:[สำเนา]
“Seunghyun啊”上了年纪轻轻的说道,轻摇他的肩膀微微地试图唤起年轻。但他陷得太深了睡眠对于工作。他一定是真的累了,然后,老暗想。他微微移动,确保不要让年轻的头落了他,抓住他的大腿不放。“Seunghyun啊,醒了。”他说,更大声和年轻做出不以为然的几乎听不到噪音。他太舒服起床,太累了,保持清醒。旧的只是呵呵一笑,又捏捏他的dongsaeng的大腿,“好吧,我们可以仅仅停留在休息呢。”年轻的摇了摇头仍然闭着眼睛靠在他哥的肩膀,低声说道:“不,让我们出去。但后来,“Dongwook笑了,让步了,知道剩下的将是很好的年轻,它仍然是早期,足量,它不会伤害等待一段时间才离开。右为年轻的被滑落进入梦乡再次,他觉得自己的亨转变,并说,“至少让我动了一下,我也累了坐在这样的。”年轻点点头,移出略有他哥转移,并尽快低下头背下来作为旧了舒适的入驻,才发现它现在已经落在他的胸前。年长本能地从沙发后面拉着他的手关闭并驳斥了年轻的头发从他的额头,让他知道这是好的休息的他,他的反应是用温和的打鼾。年长的笑了,他低下头,观察到的头靠在他的胸口的轮廓,欣赏熟睡的男子的强烈下巴和眉毛。他甚至没有意识到他修长的手指曾经如此轻率地沿年轻的,皮肤像他自己流畅的指尖下缎面的下颌线追踪,直到脸微微转向在他的胸口和一个小的叹息逃脱年轻的嘴唇。他急忙拉住他的手,不想吵醒他,笑容还是很到位的。他有这么多的感情,他dongsaeng。最后,经过约一个小时,和半,他觉得是时候叫醒他。这奇妙的定义他的下巴下配售他的手,他微微抬起年轻的头说,“Seunghyun啊,时间到现在起床了。”Seunghyun groggily睁开眼睛,发现自己仰视着他哥的脸的手仍然抱着他的下巴。他们只是看着对方的眼睛几,安静秒钟,直到旧的迅速刷年轻的下巴,因为他做删除他的手。Seunghyun陶醉在他哥对他的皮肤一秒钟顺利手指的感觉,最后才动过他,坐直。“AISH,我需要解决我的头发了。”他把自己从沙发上跳起来,走到他的卧室是他哥关掉了电视,跟着他,年长的站在他旁边,并检查自己的长相在镜子里,理顺他的衣服,并确定一些流浪毛。当他做了,他很高兴在上年轻,说:“我准备好了,当你。不要大惊小怪了这么多,你长得帅不管。“”Aigoo 你总是说这样的事情“,回答谁试图将在热量带走脸上的年轻。“嗯,那是因为它是真实的,”他叫唤,他开玩笑地捏他的脸颊。“ 耶!”Dongwook 在年轻的反应,谁也不再击退脸上的红晕哄堂大笑,事情发生都被他掐时间了面颊。年轻的也笑了,并Dongwook再一次横梁,始终恩爱看到这些美丽的颧骨凸出尤其是当他们有色粉红色。最后,Seunghyun准备走了,他转身面对他哥。“我应该戴项链?”Dongwook转身面对年轻的,谁是更接近他比他预期,并参加了他的样子。他小心翼翼地跑到他的手指间年轻的外套的衣领,摇了摇头。“我不认为你需要它。”他把双手放在他的肩膀,看着他平方米的眼睛。“你看起来很帅气,你知道的。”Seunghyun翻了个白眼,但还是笑了,“ 你总是这么说。”“ 嗯,我是认真的。”他的语气很严重。这是一个有点吓跑Seunghyun,诚实。“ 嗯...。谢谢。这意味着很多从哥谁是很帅自己来了。“”Aigoo,你只是说说而已。“”我不是。你知道你是帅。“Dongwook 调皮地笑了笑,说:”你说得对。我在。“这两个笑了,上了年纪的头蘸压住他的手,但仍之上的更年轻的肩膀,他笑了起来。笑声平息后,上了年纪慢慢长 ​​大了头,两人觉得另一个小颠簸贯穿其中作为自己的脸颊来得如此接近他们几乎刷。这导致Dongwook停止移动,离开自己的脸颊一侧到另一侧,并在大气中产生亲密的感觉Seunghyun一饮而尽和较早的注意到了这使他终于拉他的头微微向后,才发现自己面对,于─面对非常接近小的。Seunghyun的呼吸卡在喉咙里一样,Dongwook的,他们都面面相觑。有带电沉默了几秒钟,然后Seunghyun清了清嗓子,“我们可以致电本公司的车呢?”慢慢年长的点了点头,仍然没有打破眼神接触或远离。也没有Seunghyun。A / N:您好!我的第一作者注。(^ - ^)我只是想感谢大家谁读这和认购/评论。我还是新来同人所以很高兴得到的反馈!我会尝试更新更regulary比我已。谢谢,我希望你喜欢阅读本!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 3:[สำเนา]

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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