A particular feature of the past 10 years has been the
increasing use of the Internet for both submissions and
access to the papers published in Management Accounting
Research. In 2005 we began using the Elsevier Electronic
Submission (EES) system. Furthermore, over the decade the
number of downloads from Science Direct of papers published
in Management Accounting Research increased very
rapidly. Fig. 1 shows the trend in downloads since 2001. The
231,074 downloads in 2009 compare very favourably with
other major accounting journals. These downloads went to
90 different countries, which reflects the widespread international
recognition of the importance of papers published
in Management Accounting Research.We have to thank the
members of the Editorial Board and the ad hoc reviewers for
all their hard work in reviewing papers and ensuring that
all papers published in Management Accounting Research
make important contributions to the research literature.