Please find below an update of our current situation and also the critical dates for each package in list form as they would be easier to identify:
The dates below reflect the Start of COMM2 i.e sequence testing for us to meet our current schedule. Before this we need to have completed the walk down with CAT A items fixed and also MIAC need to have completed their I/O checking. Please try to schedule you FMC walk downs 2 days before the dates given below.
We have had schedule slip, mainly from MIAC installation but also a small amount from MSL in some areas. We continue to remedy issues with MIAC instruments and are still finding “surprises”. The dates below incorporate the Current MIAC and MSL schedule and I will receive a further update tomorrow as we have prioritized the areas as per the schedule.
These dates are tight so we can not afford to have any CAT A items during the walk downs so all system owners need to continue the daily walk down utilizing Jean-Paul’s MEP guys for assistance. Any issues arising / outstanding, mechanical or electrical, should be brought to the attention of Jean-Paul with copy to myself. Neil is also available for MSL issues and Joseph and Peng for electrical.
COMM2 for DIW is ongoing today
COMM2 for Mix Tank & Dryer Feed Tank will start this afternoon
Mixers walk down will be finished tomorrow. We have an issue with a requirement for high temperature cable. The variation / FI has gone to FMC. We will not be able to run the motors properly until we have the correct cable in here. I will update when we have confirmed delivery and installation.
Process Hot Water 25th August
HCL 27th August
Reactor A 30th August
Process Solids Separator 2nd September
RVF 7th September
At this stage, for System Owners and MEP support, I believe we need to be prepared to start working longer hours i.e. 8-6pm, possibly even 7pm, and 6 days a week as a base. I will clarify with Danny any implications on contract & transport etc.. and advise accordingly