After liquefaction, the spent coffee hydrolysates were used for
fermentation using S. cerevisiae . A10%yeast inoculum was added
and cultivated at 30 C for 40h.Asshown in Fig. 2, approximat ely
22 gL1 of ethanol was produced from spent coffee grounds hydro-
lysate containing 50 gL1 total sugar (Fig. 2a). Asimilar amount of
ethanol was also produced from the hydrolyz ates of lipid extracted
coffee grounds containing 58 gL1 of total sugar (Fig. 2b). Approx-
imately 5 gL1 of total sugar from the hydrolysate ofspent coffee
grounds and 7.3 gL1 of total sugar from the hydrolysate ofthe ex-
tracted lipids coffee grounds were respectively unutilized.This left
ethanol yields of0.46 gg1 for the hydrolyzate of spent coffee
grounds and 0.43 gg1 for the hydrolyz ate of lipid extracted coffee
grounds respectively.