Many of starbucks' managers have years of experience from such companies as burger king, taco bell, wendy's,and blockbuster. schultz belives a top executive should " hire people smarter then you are and get out of their way."equally crucial to starbucks' success are the "baristas" who prepare coffee drinks. Strabucks recruits its workers from colleges and community groups and give them 24 hours' training in coffee making and lore-a key to creating the company hip image and quality service. When customers go to starbucks, they are buying not just a great cup of coffee, but an experience. In a new store in beijing,for instance,customers line up daily to have a barista dispense jolts of java from a " mercury machine" strapped to his back.strabucks also emphassizes listening to customers and giving them what they want. One reason the company agreed to a deal allowing interaction to run storefront outlets in quebec was to ensure that starbucks adapts to local market needs, particularly in montreal,which already has a storong coffee culture and vibrant local competitors.