Thank you for your ^ ^ in comments at my photo. ^ ^ means " smile" or "good mood"?
You wrote your Brazilian friend you will wrote to me long message? Oh, you remeber what I wrote to you too. Do you want him to come to you? Or do you want to come to him in the future? Yes, I wrote, you have to know a person well when you if you want to meet with him. But I think it's always a risk. Oh, I'm scaring you again. Maybe I want just protect you. I hope he is good person. And not only he. The decision is always yours. I hope your decision will be right.
Yesterday I saw in our Czech news that two Czech cooks won in Thailand a competition for the best cooked Thai foods! Do you know something about it? In the news they said Thai people will go for Thai foods in Czech Republic! :))
Palm, do you know banana pancakes?
I don't know what should I do. If I should continue in the interrupted study or not. I don't know whether I finished it. Rather not :/