2.4. Preparation of anhydrous cow milk fat
Anhydrous cow milk fat, i.e., cow ghee was prepared using creamery butter method. Cow cream was kept overnight at refrigeration temperature (8–10 °C) and processed in a hand churner with the addition of 1–2 l cold water and ice cubes to maintain cream at 5 °C. Churning of cream proceeded until fat globules adhered, forming larger and larger masses, and finally a complete separation of butter granules and buttermilk occurred. Butter granules were washed with chilled potable water (4–5 °C) and then heated to a temperature of 110–115 °C in a stainless steel vessel. When temperature reached 110 °C, a slight caramelization of curd particles was observed. Heating was discontinued as soon as curd particles attained the desired golden yellow or brown color. The contents of the vessel were left undisturbed till the residue settled down. The clarified fat (anhydrous cow milk fat) was decanted off and anhydrous cow milk fat residue was separated using cheese cloth.