This case was prepared by Professor Karen A. Berger of Lubin School of Business at Pace University. This case cannot be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder, Professor Karen Berger. Reprint permission is solely granted to the publisher, Prentice Hall, for the book Strategic Management and Business Policy—13th (and the International and electronic versions of this book) by copyright holder, Karen Berger. This case was edited for SMBP—13th Edition. The copyright holders are solely responsible for the case content. Any other publication of the case (translation, any form of electronics or other media), or sold (any form of partnership) to another publisher will be in violation of copyright laws unless Professor Karen Berger has granted an additional written reprint permission. This case was presented to and accepted by the Society for Case Research. This case appeared in a 2007 issue of the Business Case Journal. This case was edited for SMBP-13th Edition. Copyright © 2007 Professor Karen A. Berger. Reprinted by permission.