1.4. The present study
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether
PME, or VME, or even partial exposure to physicality, is
important in physics learning at the university level and,
particularly, in understanding physics concepts in an attempt
to shed light on the aforementioned contrasting views over
PME and VME. In all conditions (PME alone, VME alone
PME preceeding VME, VME preceeding PME, and tradi-
tional instruction), the teaching and learning affordances of
PME and VME and the context of their implementation (i.e.,
the method of instruction, curriculum/teaching materials,
instructors, time-on-task, etc.) was controlled. The aim was to
include four distinct experimental conditions with no
confounds as well as a control condition in the study. The
control condition was used to examine the effect of experi-
mental conditions on students’ understanding of heat and
temperature (
) concepts, as compared to a traditional,
passive mode of instruction that does not require from
students any manipulation of physical or virtual materials and