At the present moment, the integrity and potential of Siberian forests are constituently revaluated in terms of
global markets. By launching and developing forest management system based on complex assessment which unites
operational monitoring and applied research approach, it has become possible to maintain ecosystems productivity
and minimize negative effects of extreme natural hazards.
Comparative evaluation of current processes occurred in ecosystems with relation to sustainable long-term forest
use enables to reveal adaptation mechanisms of certain ecosystems pertaining to natural and anthropogenic
disturbances (drought, fires, logging, chemical burns, flooding, ground water level fluctuation, etc.).
Application of modern methods of interpretation based on LANDSAT and TERRA satellite images permits to arrange continuous monitoring of the territory. In the meantime, satellite images validation via terrestrial ecosystems’ inventory offers
additional opportunities to apply and reinforce remote sensing data reliability.
This knowledge is required to develop
the complex enhancement technology for resource and ecological potential of Central Siberia forests in certain
climatic changes conditions observed.