4 NavShoe Experiment and Results
The experiment performed indoor and outdoor. In this paper will describe only the result from indoor experiment. The experiment allowed a user walk through a typical wood-frame house. The time of walking was 322 seconds that covered 118.5 meters. The start position of the user was at (0, 0, 0) in the first floor of the living room as can be seen in the figure 7. The figure7 illustrates the experiment; the blue line shows the first journey, the green line for the second journey, and the red line represents the final journey. As can be seen, the first and the second journey are almost coinciding. The final position reported by the tracked is at (-0.32, 0.10, -0.06), that means the position of the entire journey drifted by 0.3 percent of the distance travelled [1].The experiment reported the total drift was 6 centimeters or 0.06 percent of the distance traveled, and the main error came from the heading drift [1].If we compared the NavShoe to a simple pedometer using for tracking a position of a firefighter, then the NavShoe provides advantage over a simple pedometer because it provides more ac-curate position. A rescuer would easy find the position of a NavShoe-tracked fire-fighter in which room and on which floor he/she can be found