Indirect Price Discrimination – Quantity discounts along with price coupons used in supermarkets are obvious indirect price discrimination tools Pepsi can use. However, the most effective indirect price discrimination tool Pepsi has is in fact its brand name. The Pepsi brand equity actually allows the company to maintain its pricing power. Its product image translates into perception for higher quality vis-à-vis private labels and other substitute drinks. Also, for both supermarkets and convenience stores the CSDs represent the number one and number three top-selling items . Retailers use this product category to induce store traffic and create additional sales, which in turn reduces their power relative to Pepsi. Given the 80% margin on concentrate, it is easy to see why Wal-Mart and other discount retailers can undercut Pepsi’s pricing with private labels, but still they will be ineffective in stealing Pepsi customers as long as Pepsi’s brand (and Coke’s for that sake) maintains high customer loyalty.