Microbial analysis
Thirty grams of cucumber fruit pulps was
removed aseptically from each treatment. The
sample was then homogenized in peptone
saline solution (8.5 g/l NaCl + 1 g/l peptone for
1 min in a stomacher (S400, Shanghai
Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai,
China). After making serial dilutions in peptone
water, the samples were plated on different
media as follows: (1) plate count agar (PCA),
for isolating total aerobic psychrotrophic
micro-organisms was incubated at 12oC for 72
h and mesophilic micro-organisms was
incubated at 30oC for 72 h; (2) Sabouraud
media (Oxoid CM41) for isolating yeasts and
moulds was incubated at 25oC for 120 h.
Colonies were counted and the results
expressed as CFUg-1 of cucumber. Analyses
Microbial analysis
Thirty grams of cucumber fruit pulps was
removed aseptically from each treatment. The
sample was then homogenized in peptone
saline solution (8.5 g/l NaCl + 1 g/l peptone for
1 min in a stomacher (S400, Shanghai
Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai,
China). After making serial dilutions in peptone
water, the samples were plated on different
media as follows: (1) plate count agar (PCA),
for isolating total aerobic psychrotrophic
micro-organisms was incubated at 12oC for 72
h and mesophilic micro-organisms was
incubated at 30oC for 72 h; (2) Sabouraud
media (Oxoid CM41) for isolating yeasts and
moulds was incubated at 25oC for 120 h.
Colonies were counted and the results
expressed as CFUg-1 of cucumber. Analyses
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