n infatuated, obsessed woman is eagerly waiting for her boyfriend to call her up at 5:00. ow it is !:"0 but he has not called up yet. #he thinks that this is $od%s way of punishing her for being bad. #he promises to be good and sweet to her boyfriend if he calls up now. #he keeps on calling $od%s attention, frantically waiting for her boyfriend to call up. #he thinks that perhaps he is on his way to her place, and this is the reason for his not calling up yet. &n one hand, she thinks of calling him up, but hesitates. #he counts an'iously while waiting for that telephone call.
(here is only one main character in this short story, and is flat and static, the persona of this short story, the )*.+ (he minor character, though not formally haing a direct role here, is the )he,+ also flat and static.