• To facilitate auscultation of specific heart sounds,
perform the cardiac assessment with the client in three
positions: sitting, supine and left lateral recumbent.
• Auscultate to establish cardiac rate and rhythm and to
identify normal and abnormal heart sounds.
• Auscultate in an order.
Aunt Polly Takes Meds
Aortic Pulmonic Tricuspid Mitral
• Listen first with the diaphragm of the stethoscope then
with the bell.
• Abnormalities in lung and thorax, cardiovascular
• Study qualitative and quantitative results for
laboratory tests
• Culture – growth of bacteria for the purpose of
• Smear/Stain – preliminary evaluation of infection
• Sensitivity test – testing bacteria with antibiotics
to determine which drug is most effective.
• Make a table with the rest of the laboratory
test performed like the one abo